
Poultry Information

With the ever increasing demand for healthier, drug free birds, a lot of consumer pressure has been put on the commercial poultry industry to change. This consumer pressure is demanding less and less antibiotics and giving the birds a healthier growing environment with dry litter quality and reduced ammonia levels to thrive in. For the poultry grower, this can be very challenging, because the bird’s immunity needs to be at the highest level to prevent disease and bacteria that can cause heavy economic bird loss.

Mabre Air Systems does just that! Air and litter quality is improved in a heated poultry barn. Mabre controls humidity levels in the barn, which reduces the ammonia levels while maintaining excellent, dry litter quality. When ammonia levels are reduced, the birds feed conversion rates are increased in broilers and improved hatching percentages in breeders. No Carbon Monoxide is introduced to the barn because with Mabre, all the products of combustion are vented to the outdoors. No extra humidity is put into the barns environment from the furnace combustion process like most traditional heating systems in poultry barns. While still maintaining a 90 % + fuel efficiency which is reduced heating costs, Mabre is the one piece heating equipment that controls the air and litter quality, reducing heat and feed costs, better weight gain ratios, building a healthier bird with a strong immunity – all with using hot, dry forced Air. Mabre is now giving the birds this healthy environment.

“Mabre is not re-inventing the wheel -
we just produce more weight”

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Nywening Family Farms

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Poultry Gallery - One Storey Barns

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Thermal Imaging

Thermal Camera Video

Thermal camera imaging - showing even heat distribution of mature flock of broilers.

Thermal Camera Images

Poultry Videos

Kenvil Farms

Brent Price Farms

One-Storey Poultry Barn